Just Roll With it Refrences

The Suckening

Arthur Bennet


All-in-all, Arthur can curate a plan yet will not stick to this well-crafted idea he had one bit. He's impulsive yet calculated; caring more than he'd like to show for the younger generations of vampires and feeling responsable for those with rough embraces. He acts reserved and as if he doesn't care for those acting recklessly around him but deep down clearly cares for them enough to chase after those who he just met when they act destructivly.


As of the two released episodes, Arthur is current displayed as a no-nonsense dumbass. He attempts to do things as efficiently as possible, adhearing to the masquarade that is set as close as he possibly can. He has smart ideas but is not wise enough to carry them out, trying to act stealthy yet for some reason breaking down doors in what he knows is clan territory. He seems to think about the past a lot, reading a listed book of names as he feeds on vials of blood (collected due to his dull fanged nature). The nature of this list is currently not revealed.

Arthur, when dealing with Emizel and Shilo's antics, has directly said 'what a pain' - thinking himself above younger kin, clearly being an elder vampire who is tired of the younger generation's antics. He clearly shows a form of pity for Emizel's situation around his embrace, though wants the vampire out of his hair, writing short notes for him rather than wanting to stick around and explain it. Additionally, he activly encouraged Emizel and was going to pay Shilo's bail, meaning that he cares for the younger generation enough to put up with their antics and not want them to be in long-term trouble. He feels responsability for those in younger generations, even despite not knowing them and wanting to avoid taking them under his wing.


Arthur can't read people well just with a look, relying on heightened senses and auras to aid him in conversations and interactions with modern-day mortals. He's also clearly rooted still in his british ways, driving the wrong way around a round-a-bout due to being a brit in america alongside his accent occasionally slipping that into a british tone. We love to see it.

Emizel Tucker




Shilo Bathroy


Shilo is a curious innocent soul, unknowing and sheltered from people and the real world. He does not know how mortals think or what is customary or normal to do in general social situations. Awkward in advances, Shilo grows quickly attached to new people he talks to and gets to know. Despite this 'fluffy' apperance, he still acts maliciously, being casual in the face of death and manipulative to those around him. Alongside heavily caring about his mother's opinion, despite not agreeing with her ways.


Shilo is disconnected from the people around him, only having long, meaningful conversations with those who are family and keeping him captive his whole life. He's show to practice basic introductions on manaquinns, meaning he has never had to attend social events or has been too awkward to interact at them. His natural conversations with gaurds have also always had underlaying motives and when thrust out of his natural enviroment of the castle, it's shown he heavily depends on the opinions of others (Grefgor) and what they think of the world to help him make choices and decisions.

Shilo seems casual at the facts of death. However it should be known that once knowing vaugely more about a person, Shilo instantly will start caring about them, as seen with him protesting against Grefgor's demise at the end of episode 2. This could also be seen as him being comforted by the sole normality and thing that he has left of life in the castle however. Even though he left, Shilo still has a large attachment to his home. He's seen to become attached to those who he just meets, as these are completely uninfluenced people outside of the castle walls.

He knows next-to-nothing about the real world, being shown to not know what cars and police sirens sound like, yet knows of the police themselves as a 'good force', most likely having read something on the matter. He has a sense of innocence and purity when interacting with the unknown areas world due to his locked-up lifestyle.


More on castle-life, he's shown to not care much for the gaurds and know of their untimely demise when he interacts with them, even sending some gaurds to their own deaths by making them beg for forgiveness. His innocence has underlying manipulative tones and he clearly knows what he's doing.